WSU Press author and Detroit Free Press John Gallagher's new book release: Rust Belt Reporter
6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Join Wayne State University Press as we celebrate the release of Rust Belt Reporter by the Detroit Free Press's John Gallagher - at the Scarab Club on Thursday, September 19th at 6 pm.
About the book:
Beginning with Gallagher's first job in 1974 in Chicago, with subsequent stops in Rochester and Syracuse, New York, this witty and exciting chronicle details his experiences behind the scenes, breaking major news stories over the decades that followed. From the early days when reporters called in stories on pay phones to today's revenue-generating affiliate commissions, his memoir serves as a documentary of this turbulent journalistic era.
Alongside sage insight into the difficulties and decline of traditional media, Gallagher's experience and advice inspire hope, often underscoring and celebrating the surprising and happy reinvention of heartland cities like Detroit.
Enjoy this author talk, followed by a book signing (books for sale by Source Booksellers).
Traci Cothran