Ariel Helfer: "The Forgotten Rhetorical Teaching of Isocrates: Human Nature and Civic Responsibility
12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
The WSU Humanities Center invites faculty, students, staff, and the community to a Brown Bag presentation given by Ariel Helfer (Associate Professor, Political Science) on the topic of, "The Forgotten Rhetorical Teaching of Isocrates: Human Nature and Civic Responsibility".
Abstract: The short and enigmatic Busiris is an underappreciated and misunderstood text in the corpus of an underappreciated and misunderstood writer—the ancient Greek political philosopher, Isocrates. Dr. Helfer's interpretation suggests that Busiris contains Isocrates's teaching on the philosopher's civic and rhetorical responsibilities in light of his response to Socratic political philosophy.
Jaime Goodrich