Atomic arrangement in materials with structural distortions by high-energy X-ray diffraction
February 21, 2025
11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Event category:
`````` Abstract
```````````````````````` Valeri Petkov
Dept. Physics, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI-48858
Materials exhibiting intrinsic structural distortions ranging from Mott insulators, charge density wave systems, superconductors and multiferroics to nanosized metallic alloys and macromolecules adopt unusual atomic structures that are difficult to determine using traditional crystallographic techniques. In the talk, we will show that the problem can be addressed using high-energy x-ray diffraction coupled to atomic pair distribution analysis [1]. Examples will include results from our studies on the Mott insulator BaIrO3 [2], strongly correlated APt2X2 intermetallics exhibiting Kondo lattice, charge density wave and superconducting orders [3], La substituted BiFeO3 multiferroics, strongly correlated (Pr,Sr)MnO3 perovskites, and topological semiconductor NbTe4Au nanowires [5].
1. V. Petkov “Characterization of Materials” 1361 (2012) Chichester: John Wiley & sons.
2. V. Petkov, A. Zafar, A.M. Milinda Abeykoon and Z. Hegedues “Weak to strong trimer-based Mott insulator transition in BaIrO3”, Phys. Rev. Lett. (2025), submitted
3. V. Petkov , R. Baumbach, M. Jakhar, V. Barone, A. Zafar, L. Gallington, S. Shastri, and B. Aoun "Local lattice distortions and electronic orders in strongly correlated systems by resonant total x-ray scattering: A case study of APt2 X2 intermetallics (A = U, Ce, or La and X = Si or Ge)”, Phys. Rev. B 108, 224110 (2023).
4. V. Petkov, A. Zafar, P. Kenesei and S. Shastri "Chemical compression and ferroic orders in La substituted BiFeO3 " Phys. Rev. Mat. 7, 054404 (2023).