What are the roots of suicide risk in adolescents, and how can we help teens to survive and thrive?
Noon to 1 p.m.
Merrill Palmer Skillman Institute is pleased to present:
Kathryn Cullen, MD, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Division, University of Minnesota
Depression, suicidal thoughts and self-injurious behavior are common during the adolescent years and they represent key risk factors for death by suicide. Multipronged approaches are required to study these complex problems. In this talk, I will review recent research shedding light on the neurobiological underpinnings of suicide risk. I will also discuss concepts relevant to the development of interventions capable of preventing suicide deaths, reducing suffering and helping adolescents to recover and thrive.
Speaker meets with MPSI Fellows and Tainees 1-2 pm.
 Join us on campus at:
Wayne State University
Charles Lang Freer House
71 E. Ferry Street, Detroit, 48202
For more information contact: Julie Wargo Aikins at Julie.Wargo.Aikins@wayne.ed
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