Let Others Love Your Data, too: Selecting a Data Repository to Make Your Data More Accessible
This event is in the past.
12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Sharing research data is becoming more common, whether it is a requirement for federal funding or for publication in certain journals, or just a desire to make the research more open and visible. But why should you share your data? How to know which data repository is best for your data? Come learn about different types of repositories, FAIR (Findable,Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) principles, and how to fit data repository selection into your research workflow. Discover how your research can have greater reach and a broader impact by being accessible to future researchers.
International Love Data Week takes place from Feb. 12-16 and is dedicated to celebrating all things data, as well as spreading awareness of the importance of research data management, sharing, preservation and reuse. Research data are the foundation of the scholarly record and crucial for changing the world around us. Join the Wayne State University Libraries for events before and during data week that will focus on data equity and inclusion, disciplinary communities and creating a kinder world through data.