Nonrelativistic multiscale systems with Effective Field Theories
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3:45 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Professor Nora Brambilla (Technical University of Munich)
Nonrelativistic bound states lie at the core of quantum physics,
permeating the fabric of nature across diverse realms, spanning particle to nuclear
physics, and from condensed matter to astrophysics. These systems are
pivotal in addressing contemporary challenges at the forefront of particle
physics. Characterized by distinct energy scales, they serve as unique
probes of complex environments. Historically, their incorporation into
quantum field theory was fraught with difficulty until the emergence of
nonrelativistic effective field theories (NREFTs).
In this talk, we delve into the construction of a potential NREFT
(pNREFT),a framework that directly tackles bound state dynamics reimagining quantum
mechanics from field theory. Focusing on heavy quarkonia, pNRQCD
facilitates systematic definitions and precise calculations for
high-energy collider observables. At the cutting edge, we investigate
nonrelativistic bound states in intricate environments, like the newly
discovered exotics X, Y, Z above the strong decay threshold and the
behavior in out-of-equilibrium scenarios, such as quarkonium suppression
in a Quark Gluon Plasma or dark matter interactions in the early universe.
Our ability to achieve precision calculations and control strongly
interacting systems is closely linked to bridging perturbative methods
with nonperturbative tools, notably numerical lattice gauge theories.