Juan Rodriguez Rivera: "Destruction, Reconstructions, and Dispersion in Magical Realism"
This event is in the past.
12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
The WSU Humanities Center invites faculty, students, staff, and the community to attend a Faculty Fellows Research Seminar featuring Juan Rodriguez Rivera (Assistant Professor, Art, Art History and Design). Join us for a discussion of Professor Rivera's work in progress.
Abstract: This Faculty Fellows Research Seminar will focus on presenting the early stages of a new body of work exploring destruction, reconstruction, and dispersion within the context of magical realism. Juan Carlos is currently investigating The Diary of Christopher Columbus: First Voyage to America, 1492–1493. His research aims to deepen his understanding of Gabriel García Márquez's characterization of the text as “the first piece of magical realism literature in the Caribbean.” In this phase of the project, Juan Carlos is extracting and redacting passages from Columbus’ journal, recontextualizing them through speculative design methods to develop a "magical" visual language.
Jaime Goodrich