Mathematics Applied Mathematics Seminar: Robert Krasny - Fast Adaptive Particle Methods and Applicat
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11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Speaker:Robert Krasney, University of Michigan
Title: Fast Adaptive Particle Methods and Applications
Abstract: Differential equations can often be recast as integral equations by convolution with a Green's function, and when the integrals are discretized, the result is a particle method. To reduce the cost of these calculations, recent work employs adaptive refinement and a GPU-accelerated fast multipole method based on barycentric Lagrange interpolation. This talk will describe applications of this approach in fluid dynamics (2D incompressible Euler), plasma dynamics (1D1V Vlasov-Poisson), electrostatics of solvated biomolecules (3D Poisson-Boltzmann), and charge transport in transmembrane ion channels (1D Poisson-Nernst-Planck). This is joint work with Zhen Chao (Western Washington University), Weihua Geng (Southern Methodist University), Ryan Sandberg (LBNL), Alec Thomas (Michigan), Svetlana Tlupova (Farmingdale State College), Nathan Vaughn (LANL), Lei Wang (U-Wisconsin, Milwaukee), Leighton Wilson (Cerebras Systems), Ling Xu (North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University).