Mental Health Awareness Month event: Therapy dogs
This event is in the past.
This event is sponsored by the COSW Health and Wellness Committee, in coordination with Mental Health Awareness Month (May), as a way to provide the Warrior community all the benefits therapy dogs can offer. To name a few, therapy dogs can help with: decreasing stress, decreasing blood pressure, reducing depression, improving self-esteem, and improving mood.
Tuesday May 7: Mort Harris Recreation Center
5 therapy dogs from Go Team Therapy Dogs
Steve and Debb with therapy dogs Poppie, Jake & Barrett
Pat Hayduk with therapy dog Andi
Wes Varbedian with therapy dog Skadi
Wednesday May 15: AAB
3 therapy dogs from Go Team Therapy Dogs
Sandy Pringle with therapy dog Cheyenne
Susan Fourgerousse with therapy dog Clancy
Pat Hayduk with therapy dog Andi
Tuesday May 28: Mort Harris Recreation Center
3 therapy dogs from Go Team Thearpy Dogs
Steve and Debb with therapy dogs Poppie, Jake & Barrett
Lisa Erickson