Health equity and access in transgender communities in a time of changing policies
This event is in the past.
3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
The 2023-2024 Wayne State University School of Social Work series theme, "Promoting Social Justice and Equity for Sexual and Gender Diverse Communities" is designed to help social workers, students, faculty, staff, and community members develop a critically conscious awareness regarding the lived experiences of transgender and gender diverse individuals. We encourage all to join us for this three-part series of open, respectful, and enlightening conversations.
The first event in this series, our annual Edith Harris Endowed Memorial Lecture, "Health Equity and Access in Transgender Communities in a Time of Changing Policies" is a discussion of health equity and access in Detroit’s transgender communities. We will be examining the changing landscape for health access for transgender communities in the U.S. and discussing innovations in health care organizations working to serve the needs of these communities.
- Julisa Abad, Director of Transgender Outreach and Advocacy at Fair Michigan
- Layton “Mykell” Price, CDE, CDP, CDR, Director of Talent, Equity, and Inclusion at the Ruth Ellis Cente
Emme Zanotti, Director of Advocacy & Civic Engagement at Equality Michigan will serve as moderator.
Learn more about this series and upcoming events.
SPONSOR: The Edith Harris Endowed Memorial Lecture has been hosted each Fall since 1987. This annual lecture is made possible through the generosity of Mort Harris, Edith Harris’ husband, and the Harris Foundation.
CONTINUING EDUCATION: 1.5 Social Work CE's are available for a fee of $10. Pre-registration for CE's is requested via the RSVP form. All attendees seeking CE's must sign-in at the event and stay for the full duration. Attendees will receive a post-test and/or evaluation at the conclusion of the training. CE certificates will be emailed to attendees who have passed the post-test within 14 business days. This lecture has been approved by the MI Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative under CE Approval #: MICEC-0058. For details visit the Social Work Office of Continuing Education Events page. For questions regarding Social Work CE's email or call 313-577-9348.
Renee Konarzewski