The Ending Phase of Practicum Instruction and Reflections in Social Work
10 a.m. to noon
The Wayne State University School of Social Work Office of Practicum Education invites current Practicum Instructors to join us for a talk about termination, the ending phase of practicum instruction. We will have opportunities for guided discussion and reflections around student, instructor and client transition as the academic year is completed.
CONTINUING EDUCATION: Two Social Work CE's are available to attendees for FREE. Pre-registration for CE's is required via the RSVP form. All attendees seeking CE's must sign-in via the link posted to the chat and stay for the full event duration. Attendees will be able to download their certificate upon completion of the event quiz and evaluation. Learn about more upcoming WSU Social Work CE Events and Online Courses.
RSVP's are required. The Zoom link will be provided upon completion of the RSVP.
Katie Paolucci